Form an injective resolution
0 \to M \to I^0 \to I^1 \to I^2 \to \dots
and apply $j_*$. Then $j_* I^k = (\tau I^k, I^k, id_{\tau I^k})$ in the mapping cylinder category for all $k$, and so to calculate the derived functors you calculate the cohomology of the sequence
0 \to (\tau I^0, I^0, id) \to (\tau I^1, I^1, id) \to \dots
Taking kernels or cokernels of a map $(N, M, \varphi) \to (N', M', \varphi')$ in the mapping cylinder category is done by applying it to both $N \to N'$ and $M \to M'$ individually, so to calculate the cohomology of the sequence at hand we take the cohomology of
0 \to \tau I^0 \to \tau I^1 \to \tau I^2 \to \dots
(which are the derived functors $R^q \tau M$, by definition) and the cohomology of
0 \to I^0 \to I^1 \to I^2 \to \dots
(which is $M$ in degree 0 and 0 in other degrees because this was a resolution of $M$). Therefore, the cohomology of the sequence in question is
(\tau M, M, id), (R^1 \tau M, 0, 0), (R^2 \tau M, 0, 0), \dots
which recovers Mazur's statement.