For which $n$ has the $S^1$-equivariant rational cohomology of $LBSO(n)$ been computed? Here, $SO(n)$ means the isometry group of the round sphere (preserving the orientation), $B$ stands for classifying space and $L$ for free loop space. The $S^1$-action on $LBSO(n)$ is, of course, via rotating the loops.
There are two fibrations $$SO(n) \to LBSO(n) \to BSO(n)$$ and $$LBSO(n) \to LBSO(n) \times_{S^1} ES^1 \to BS^1$$ (both admitting a split on the right), and I am interested in knowing $$H^{\ast}_{S^1}(LBSO(n);\mathbb Q) = H^{\ast}(LBSO(n) \times_{S^1} ES^1;\mathbb Q),$$ including the ring structure. So one way to calculate this is to understand what happens in the Serre spectral sequences in the two fibrations above. I could do this (with some effort) for $n = 2,3$ but I do not have much hope figuring out all the differentials for bigger $n$. Is this something that can be found in the literature?