If I understand right the character table of an association scheme is the table of irreducible representations of the Bose-Mesner algebra.
If we can recover this algebra, and the adjaceny matrices within it, we can recover the association scheme using the formula $A_i A_j = \sum_k p_{ij}^k A_k$, which uniquely determines $p_{ij}^k$ as the $A_k$ form ab asis.
As long as this algebra is commutative and semisimple, then one can recover this algebra and those elements from the character table: The algebra is just the product of one copy of $\mathbb C$ for each character, and the class of an adjacency matrix is just the ordered tuple of the values of the different irreducible characters.
Since your association scheme is commutative, the algebra is indeed commutative and also from looking it up appears to be semisimple.
Then it's easy to get the identity, as $0$ is the only $i$ such that $p_{ij}^k=0$ for all $j \neq k$, and then get $i^T$ using the fact that $i^T$ is the only $j$ such that $p_{ij}^0\neq 0$.