Assume a number of iid. items is presented and the task was to stop under the objective of picking the best item.
In this setting it is relevant what is the distribution of the values of the presented items $(X_i)_{i \leq n}$ the problem is to what $\sigma$-algebra filtration $(\natural_i)_{i \leq n}$ the best stopping time $T$ has to be adapted to. If one has full information on the distribution it would be $(\sigma(X_1,...,X_i))_{i \leq n}$. The winning chance then is asymptotically $0.58$ if $X_1$ has a continuous c.d.f.
For no information on the possible distributions the right filtration is: $(\sigma(R_1,...,R_i))_{i \leq n}$ with $R_j = \sum^{j}_{k=1}1_{X_k \leq X_j}$, that is the rank of $X_j$.
What is the right $\sigma$-algebra to model the case where for an example one knows $X_1$~$N(\mu,\sigma^2)$ but nothing on $\mu$ and $\sigma^2$?
This relates here, and I have made proposals and submitted an example to deal with.