I have a question: $$\min_x {1\over 2} \|x-t\|^2 + \lambda \|x\|_\infty$$ where $t, \lambda$ are given constant. I think this may be a classic problem? However, I didn't find closed form of its solution. What I tried is as follows.
I tried transforming it into a constrainted version: $$\min_{x,s} {1\over 2} \|x-t\|^2 + \lambda s\\ s.t.\ x_i\leq s,\ x_i\geq -s,\ \forall i=1,2,...,p $$ where $p$ is the dimensionality of $x$. Then get the Lagrangian: $$L(x,s,a,b)={1\over 2} \|x-t\|^2 + \lambda s+\sum_{i=1}^pa_i(x_i-s)+\sum_{i=1}^pb_i(-x_i-s).$$ I tried to derive something from the KKT conditions, but that seems to be a total mess, making me doubt this way.