I wanted to understand or at least to know if what follows make sense. Given a connected toplogical space $X$, I want to associate a scheme. In the following way.
For a space $X$ and $A(X)$ the Sullivan minimal model, first I associate the differential graded commutative ring $A(X)$. Then I associate to $A(X)$ the corresponding symmetric monoidal triangulated category of differential graded $A(X)$-modules. Finaly, we associate to symmetric monoidal triangulated category of differential graded $A(X)$-modules the scheme $\mathbf{X}$ using the $spec$ functor defined by paul Balmer. My question is the following. What can we say about $X$ using $\mathbf{X}$ ? Can we reconstruct (partially) $X$ from $\mathbf{X}$ ?
Thank you very much for any help.
Edit: I replaced the rational cohomology ring $H^{\ast}(X, \mathbf{Q})$ by $A(X)$.