Let $(M,g)$ be a riemannian manifold, $\Delta$ the associated Laplacian, and $\{ f_i \}$ the real-valued eigenfunctions of $\Delta$. Then, $\nabla f_i \in \Gamma ^{\infty } (\mathrm{T} M) $ is defined everywhere, but may have zeros.
Is it true that, for every $i$, $\pi ( \frac{\nabla f_i (\cdot )}{|\nabla f_i (\cdot )|} ) \in \Gamma ^{\infty } (\mathrm{PT} M) $ ? Here, $\mathrm{PT} M$ is the projectivized tangent bundle of $M$ (I hope it is the right notation) and $\pi$ is the projection on the projective space.
In other words, does the gradient define a direction field at every point of the manifold, even where the gradient is $0$, and does this direction field depend smoothly on the point? Is there a reference?
edit: in Steve Zelditch's paper "Eigenfunctions and Nodal sets" one can find that for a generic metric, all eigenfunctions are Morse, so the projectivized gradient does admit an extension to critical points. on the other hand, the flat metric on the torus, which is not generic from this point of view, satisfies the conclusion, and so does the euclidean metric on $S^3$.
thanks, nikos