
What is a good source for Silver's proof (or a more modern version) that Con($\exists \omega_1$-Erdos cardinal) implies Con(Chang's Conjecture)?

Silver's original proof seems to have never been published and I didn't find a proof in the set theory books I looked at (i.e. Jech's "Set Theory: the 3rd Millennium Edition" and Kanamori's "Higher Infinite")


2 Answers 2


Some references:

1) K. Kunen, Saturated ideals: The consistency of $(\omega_{n+2}, \omega_{n+1})\twoheadrightarrow (\omega_{n+1}, \omega_n)$ for $n \geq 1$ has been established starting with a huge cardinal.

2) H.-D. Donder and J.-P. Levinski, Some principles related to Chang's Conjecture: A proof is given without use of Martin's Axiom, and also using a Levy collapse instead of a Silver collapse.

3) K. Devlin, A note on a problem of Erdos and Hajnal: A generalization of Silver's theorem is proved.


A sketch of Silver's original argument appears in section 19 here: http://math.bu.edu/people/aki/e.pdf


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