in Peter Scott's work "Subgroups of Surface groups are almost geometric" is proven that for a closed surface $S$ and any fin. gen. subgroup $U$ of $G:=\pi_1(S,x)$ there exists a finitely sheeted covering map $p: (\tilde{S},\tilde{x})\to (S,x)$ such that U is realized by a subsurface in $\tilde{S}$. This is Theorem 3.3 in his work.
Is there a generalization of this theorem for the case where $G$ is a one-ended Fuchsian group? In this case $S$ is a two-orbifold and $U\leq G=\pi_1(S,x)$. And the question is: Does there exist a finite sheeted cover $\tilde{S}$ such that the subgroup $U$ corresponds to a sub-two-orbifold of $\tilde{S}$. And if not, does anyone knows a counterexample?