Let $A\in \mathbb{Z}^{m\times n}$ ($m<n$) be a matrix with orthogonal rows. Further assume that the gcd of the coefficients in each row of $A$ is $1$.
Consider $\ker A\cap \mathbb{Z}^n = \{x\in\mathbb{Z}^n: Ax = 0\}$. How is $\det(\ker A\cap \mathbb{Z}^n)$ related to $A$? I tried a few small examples and it seems that $\det(\ker A\cap \mathbb{Z}^n)\cdot\det(A\mathbb{Z}^n) = \sqrt{\det(AA^T)}$. Is this generally true?
($\det(A\mathbb{Z}^n)$ is the determinant of $A\mathbb{Z}^n = \text{im} A \cap \mathbb{Z}^m$, an $m$-dimensional sublattice in $\mathbb{Z}^m$)