An indicative example (when $p$ is odd) is : take an odd prime $r$ which divides $p(p^{2}-1)$, and let $S = {\rm PSL}(2,p^{r}).$ Let $\alpha$ be the automorphism of $S$ induced by the Frobenius automorphism of ${\rm GF}(p^{r}).$ Then $\alpha$ has order $r$ and has fixed point subgroup ${\rm PSL}(2,p)$ which contains an element $x$ of order $r.$ Then the automorphism $\beta$ which is the composition of $\alpha$ with the inner automorphism of $S$ induced by $x$ results in an automorphism of order $r.$
(Later edit: Note also that when $S = {\rm PSL}(n,q)$ and $q$ has the form $p^{2m}$ for some prime $p,$ positive integer $m,$ then there is a field automorphism inducing an automorphism of order $2$ on $S,$ and this commutes with the (automorphism induced on $S$ by) the transposed inverse automorphism which also has order $2.$ The composition of these two automorphisms still has order $2$).