To restate your problem in technical terms: What is the approximation of the distribution of order statistics (in OP we can focus on maximum statistics only) of sample from a Dirichlet process of size $n=10$? In other words, we need to check the distribution of $(X_{(1)},\cdots X_{(10)})$
We approach this problem in two aspects.
The first is to consider a small sample approximation to the distribution of $(X_{(1)},\cdots X_{(10)})$. This is fully discussed in Sec 4 of [Stigler].
The second is to consider an even extreme case, what if we let the sample size $n\rightarrow \infty$ and check the distribution of the order statistics.
The core concept in solving this problem in [Stigler] is the so-called order-statistic process. Given a Dirichlet process $\boldsymbol{F}(t)$ on $[0,1]$ indexed by a base measure $\nu([0,t])=\lambda t$ we call this Dirichlet process a uniform order-statistics process because it describes the distribution of uniform distribution.
For a finite sample $n=10$ from (another) Dirichlet process we can actually derive their joint distribution $G$ and then the induced order-statistics process is $G^{-1}(\boldsymbol{F}(t))$. The main result is the Gaussian first order approximation.
[Stigler] Theorem 1. If $\alpha(t)=\frac{1}{\lambda}\nu(t)$ is
continuous on $[0,1],\lambda=\nu([0,1])$ then
converges in distribution as $\lambda\rightarrow\infty,\alpha(t) $
fixed, to the Gaussian process $\boldsymbol{Z}(t)$ on $[0,1]$ with
zero mean and
In other words, if we choose $\nu$ as counting measure with sample size $n$, then this theorem literally describe the asymptotic behavior of the order statistics, hence the maximum as $n\rightarrow\infty$.
While an earlier work [Fan&Liu] achieved first-order accuracy for general processes, a recent work by [Goldman&Kaplan] answered this question in higher order accuracy for i.i.d observations(not the case in OP). So this fractional order statistics theory actually shed some light in quantile inference in recent research.
[Fan&Liu]Fan, Yanqin, and Ruixuan Liu. "A direct approach to inference in nonparametric and semiparametric quantile models." Journal of Econometrics 191.1 (2016): 196-216.
[Goldman&Kaplan]Goldman, Matt, and David M. Kaplan. "Fractional order statistic approximation for nonparametric conditional quantile inference." Journal of Econometrics 196.2 (2017): 331-346.
[Stigler]Stigler, Stephen M. "Fractional order statistics, with applications." Journal of the American Statistical Association 72.359 (1977): 544-550.