A colleague in my department posed the following question...
Let $A=(0,0)$, $B=(1,0)$, and $C=(1/2,\sqrt{3}/2)$. Then $\Delta ABC$ is an equilateral triangle with sides of length 1. Let $B_{\epsilon}({\bf x}) = \{ {\bf y} \in \mathbb{R}^2 \;|\; \mbox{distance}({\bf y},{\bf x})<\epsilon \}$ be an epsilon ball centered at ${\bf x}$ using the usual Euclidean distance.
Given a point ${\bf x} \in \mathbb{R}^2$ and $\epsilon>0$, is there a point $P \in B_{\epsilon}({\bf x})$ such that the distances from $P$ to the vertices of $\Delta ABC$ are all rational?
It seems like it ought to be true. It is if you just demand 2 of the distances to be rational or if you allow $P$ to live in a 3D-ball (i.e. if we spill out of $\mathbb{R}^2$ into $\mathbb{R}^3$).
Thanks for your thoughts!