Consider the (strong) Bruhat order, $\leq_B$, on the symmetric group $S_n$. Suppose there are permutations $\pi,\sigma∈S_n$ such that $\pi\geq_B \sigma$. Suppose further that they satisfy the following property: if i precedes j in $\sigma$ written in single line notation, then i precedes j in $\pi$ written in single line notation.
For example, consider $\sigma=532614$ and $\pi=635421$. Then $\pi\geq_B \sigma$ and $\pi$, $\sigma$ satisfy the aforementioned condition. 3 lies ahead of the 2 lies ahead of the 1 in both $\sigma$ and $\pi$. And 6 lies ahead of the 4 and 5 lies ahead of the 4 in both of them.
My question: Does there exist a maximal chain in the Hasse diagram of the Bruhat order from $\sigma$ to $\pi$, say $\sigma\leq_B \sigma_2\leq_B \cdots \leq_B \sigma_k=\pi$ such that $\sigma_i$ and $\sigma$ satisfy the same property as I mentioned earlier, for all $1≤i≤k$.
For example, here is one maximal chain for the earlier example. $532614\leq_B 632514 \leq_B 635214 \leq_B 635241\leq_B 635421$
I have a feeling that some bubble-sortesque algorithm will do it. But I was hoping to find a ready reference as that would save me some trouble of writing out a rigorous proof.
Crossposted at math se