If we have a family of classes $(\mathfrak{M}_\alpha)_{\alpha\in D}$ of $\in$-structures with $D$ being a limit ordinal or the class of ordinals, and a family $(\chi_{\alpha,\beta})_{\alpha<\beta(<D)}$ being a direct system (see [here][1] for a definition of a direct system) of end extensions (an end extension $\chi:\langle A,E\rangle\rightarrow\langle B,F\rangle$ being a 1-1 $\in$-homomorphism such that $bF\chi(a)\Leftrightarrow b=\chi(a')$ for some $a'Ea$), how can one define the direct limit of the $(\mathfrak{M}_\alpha,\chi_{\alpha,\beta})$ so that the result is still a class ?
I suppose that the $\chi_{\alpha,\beta}$ are not necessarily compatible, in the sense that given $\alpha$, $\chi_{\alpha,\beta}(x)$ is not necessarily equal to $\chi_{\alpha,\beta'}(x)$ for $\beta\neq\beta'$.