I am consulting the recent paper ''On the Integrality of Modular Symbols and Kato's Euler system for Elliptic Curves'' by Chris Wuthrich. But I am confused regarding the definition of semistable reduction at a prime $p$ of an elliptic curve due to the following two definitions -
1) On page 196 of ''Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves'' by Silverman, it is given that multiplicative reduction is same as semistable reduction.
2) On page 335 of the book ''Elliptic Curves'' by D Husemoeller, the author says an elliptic curve $E$ has semistable reduction at a prime $p$ if and only if $p^2$ does not divide the conductor of the curve.
So kindly suggest the correct definition of semistable reduction of an elliptic curve at a prime $p$.