I found two different definitions of the Moebius Ladder Graph, whose essential difference is, whether the smallest one shall be $K_4$ or $K_{3,3}$.
according to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6bius_ladder),
"In graph theory, the Möbius ladder Mn is a cubic circulant graph with an even number n of vertices, formed from an n-cycle by adding edges (called "rungs") connecting opposite pairs of vertices in the cycle".
that definition would cover $K_4$ as a Moebius Ladder.
according to Wolfram's Mathworld (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/MoebiusLadder.html), however "A Möbius ladder, sometimes called a Möbius wheel (Jakobson and Rivin 1999), of order n is a simple graph obtained by introducing a twist in a prism graph of order n that is isomorphic to the circulant graph $Ci_{2n}(1,n)$." and, because an n-Prism graph has $2n$ vertices and $3n$ edges, that would imply, that the smallest Moebius Ladder graph is $K_{3,3}$ and not $K_4$.
The "dispute" reminds me somehow of the "is 1 a prime number" topic and I would therefore like to know, if there are mathematical reasons in favor or against either of the definitions (I would however not count the analogy to the one-sided Moebius surface as sufficient justification).