This is probably pretty basic, but as I said before I'm just beginning my way in the language of stacks.
Say you have an etale cover X->Y of stacks (in the etale site). Is there a standard way to define the degree of this cover? Here's my intuition: if X and Y are schemes, we can look etale locally and then this cover is Yoneda-trivial in the sense of , meaning that etale locally it is just a disjoint unions of (d many) pancakes. Can we do this generally? Is there some "connectivity" conditions on Y for this to work? Is there a different valid definition for degree of an etale cover of stacks?
I figured since nobody answered so far, maybe I should write down what a possible Yoneda-triviality condition could mean for stacks:
Def: Call f:X->Y (stacks) Yoneda-trivial if there exists a set of sections of f, S, such that the natural map Y(Z)xS->X(Z) is an isomorphism (or maybe a bijection?) for any connected scheme Z.
But I'm still clinging to the hope that there's a completely different definition out there that I'm just not aware of.