I have the privilege of teaching an algebraic number theory course next fall, a rare treat for an algebraic topologist, and have been pondering the choice of text. The students will know some commutative algebra, some homological algebra, and some K-theory. The texts I am now considering are
(1) Frohlich and Taylor, Algebraic Number Theory,
(2) Janusz, Algebraic Number Fields, and
(3) Milne, Algebraic Number Theory (online).
I am leaning toward (1): it seems very well written and has sections on cubic, biquadratic and sextic fields as well as quadratic and cyclotomic fields. I do know that when you get into a course you discover drawbacks that aren't apparent when you're reading the text before the course begins. Frohlich and Taylor is designed for a year long course and I only have one semester, so will need to do some selecting. I regret not using any homological techniques, also.
I would appreciate suggestions, either about these or other texts.