Let $D(\mathbf{Z})$ be the derived category of abelian groups, and let $D(\mathbf{Z}_p)$ be the derived category of modules over the p-adic integers. Bousfield localization gives a full subcategory of $L_{\mathbf{Z}/p} D(\mathbf{Z})$ of ``$p$-complete'' complexes that is subtly different from $D(\mathbf{Z}_p)$: the compact generator is $\mathbf{Z}/p$ instead of $\mathbf{Z}_p$.
I could apply $L_{\mathbf{Z}/p}$ to $D(\mathbf{Z}_p)$ instead. Are the Bousfield localizations $L_{\mathbf{Z}/p}(D(\mathbf{Z}))$ and $L_{\mathbf{Z}/p}(D(\mathbf{Z}_p))$ equivalent?