Let $X$ and $Y$ be two irreducible, affine $\newcommand{\C}{\mathbb C}\C$-varieties. Let $f:X\to Y$ be a morphism. Denote by $u:\tilde X\to X$ and $v:\tilde Y\to Y$ their normalizations. Now, if $f$ is dominant, I get an induced morphism $\tilde f: \tilde X\to \tilde Y$ such that $v\circ\tilde f= f\circ u$. This follows, for instance, from Corollary 17.4.4 in the book of Tauvel and Yu.
Now what if $f$ is not dominant? I would suppose that one does not usually get such an induced $\tilde f$, right? However, are there other conditions on $f$ that imply the existence of such a lift? What about open or closed immersions?
Looking at it naively stopped me right in my tracks: The relation between the function fields of $X$ and $Y$ isn't really obvious to me when the morphism isn't dominant. I have some ideas, but they might lead nowhere or they have been worked out before, so I am asking here first. Thanks a lot in advance.