I recently noticed an interesting (at least to me) property of the trace but have been unable to prove it.
Let ${\mathbb K}$ is an algebraic number field with ${\mathcal O}$ as its ring of integers, $n$ is any positive integer relatively prime to the discriminant of ${\mathcal O}$ and $$ T_{n} = \left\{ x \in {\mathcal O}: {\rm Tr}(x) \equiv 0 \bmod n \right\}. $$
Then the elements $y \in {\mathcal O}$ such that $xy \in T_{n}$ for all $x \in T_{n}$ seem to always be of the form a rational integer plus $n$ times an element of ${\mathcal O}$.
Does anyone know how to prove such a result (or a counterexample too, of course)?
References to such results in the literature would also be welcome.
Thank you.