
Does anyone have a reference that the Albanese is dual to the Picard scheme (under suitable conditions)?

Edit: In fact, the following is true: $(\mathrm{Pic}^0(X)_{\mathrm{red}})^\vee = \mathrm{Alb}(X)$, and the Picard scheme is reduced (and then smooth and an Abelian scheme) iff equality holds in $\dim H^1(X,\mathcal{O}_X) \geq \dim \mathrm{Pic}^0(X)$ ("defect of smoothness").


5 Answers 5


The nicest modern reference for the theory of the Albanese that I know of is the appendix to this article of S. Mochizuki.


I think there are many places where this is written in detail.

A good reference is Birkenake-Lange's book Complex Abelian Varieties, Proposition 11.11.6 (page 357), where the statement $\textrm{Pic}^0(M)=\widehat{\textrm{Alb}(M)}$ is proven for any smooth projective variety $M$.

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks. Unfortunately, I am interested in the result in positive characteristic. $\endgroup$
    – user19475
    Commented Apr 19, 2013 at 12:55

The original reference is: On Picard Varieties, Wei-Liang Chow, American Journal of Mathematics 74, 895-909 (1952), with references to earlier work by Weil and Igusa.


See also [FGA explained], Corollary 9.5.13 and Remark 9.5.25.


I like very much Mumford's "abelian varieties", which has the advantage to work over any characteristic. enjoy!

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Mumford's Abelian Varieties works only over algebraically closed fields, and has nothing about Albaneses. $\endgroup$
    – anon
    Commented Apr 18, 2013 at 13:56

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