I have come across the following reference to D K Faddeev's construction of quaternionic fields in the book The Embedding Problem in Galois Theory by Ishkhanov, Lur'e and Faddeev :
[45] D. K. Faddeev, Construction of algebraic domains whose Galois group is the quaternionic group, Leningrad. Gos. Univ. Uchen. Zap. 3 (1937), no. 17, 17--23,
which is presumably the same as an item in the bibliography of Faddeev's survey article ТЕОРИЯ ГАЛУА (В МИАНе) :
[16] Фаддеев Д. К. Построение алгебраических областей, группой Галуа которых является группа кватернионов. — Учен. зап. ЛГУ, 1936, т. 17, с. 17—25.
Edit KConrad has kindly provided a link to the English translation of this survey (Спасибо, Кит). Faddeev says
In a paper of mine in 1937 [16], the problem of constructing fields with quaternionic groups over $\mathbf{Q}$ was solved. The algebraic part of the construction can be extended to any field of characteristic different from $2$ which has a sufficient number of quadratic extensions. The arithmetic part allows one to give an algorithm for construction of fields over $\mathbf{Q}$ in the order of growth of their discriminants.
I couldn't find this paper at mathnet.ru, nor is it listed in the Zentralblatt. There is a later paper with a similar title
Construction of fields of algebraic numbers whose Galois group is a group of quaternion units, C. R. (Dokl.) Acad. Sci. URSS, n. Ser. 47, 390-392 (1945)
which is listed but not reviewed in the Zentralblatt; it is not be found at mathnet.ru either.
Question. What does Faddeev prove in these papers ?