I'm a student learning the basics of working with the unbounded derived category $D(\mathcal{A})$. I arrived at the natural question, "is every K-projective complex formed out of projective objects?" (having learned that this isn't sufficient to guarantee K-projectivity), and a literature hunt led to the introduction of the paper "The Direct Limit Closure of Perfect Complexes" by Christensen and Holm (http://arxiv.org/pdf/1301.0731.pdf), where the authors mention K-projective and formed out of projective objects is equivalent to DG-projective (in the first paragraph).
I think I managed to prove this, but I still have two questions:
i. I gather that this last statement can be found in Avramov-Foxby-Halperin's Differential Graded Homological Algebra, but I couldn't locate a copy of this on the web. Does anyone know where I could obtain a copy of this (preferably digital)?
ii. With the result, it seems like there should be complexes which are K-projective but not DG-projective, but I have been unable to build one. Is there a reference where one is built/does anyone know of such an example (my hunch is that Avramov-Foxby-Halperin should be said reference)?
Many thanks!