First recall how the cup product is defined for the cohomology of a group $G$:
Fix a projective resolution $P \to \mathbb{Z}$ over $\mathbb{Z}G$. Then $P \otimes P \to \mathbb{Z} \otimes \mathbb{Z} = \mathbb{Z}$ is a projective resolution of $\mathbb{Z}$ over $\mathbb{Z}G \otimes \mathbb{Z}G=\mathbb{Z}[G \times G]$. Since the diagonal $$D: G \to G \times G,\;g \mapsto (g,g)$$ is a group homomorphism, $P\otimes P$ can be considered as (acyclic) complex of $\mathbb{Z}G$-modules via $D$. By standard homological algebra there is a $\mathbb{Z}G$-linear map $\Delta: P \to P \otimes P$ (called a diagonal approximation) that extends $id: \mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z}$. Finally, if $M,N$ are $\mathbb{Z}G$-modules, the cup product is defined on cochain level by the morphism
$$\begin{array}{lll} Hom_{\mathbb{Z}G}(P,M) \otimes Hom_{\mathbb{Z}G}(P,N) & \xrightarrow{} & Hom_{\mathbb{Z}(G\times G)}(P\otimes P,M\otimes N) \newline & \xrightarrow{\Delta^\ast} & Hom_{\mathbb{Z}G}(P,M\otimes N) \end{array}$$
Obviously, the same construction can be made with any group homomorphism $G \to G \times G$ in place of $D$.
Question 1: What is the motivation to choose the diagonal $D$ for the definition of the cup product ?
Or, to put it the other way round:
Question 2: What "cup product" do be get if we choose one of the group homomorphisms
$$G \to G \times G,\;g \mapsto (g,1) \quad\text{ or }\quad G \to G \times G,\; g \mapsto (1,g)\;\; ? $$