Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold, let $\Omega^*(M)$ denote the cochain complex of differential forms on $M$ and $H^*(M)$ its cohomology considered as a chain complex with trivial differential. We have a map $f:\Omega^*(M) \to H^*(M)$ given by projecting a form to its harmonic part and taking its cohomology class and we have a map $h: H^*(M) \to \Omega^*(M)$ which sends a cohomology class to its harmonic representative. Then $fh$ is the identity and $hf$ is chain homotopic to the identity. Hence, we have the right setting to transfer the $C_{\infty}$-algebra structure of $\Omega^*(M)$ with structure maps $m_1=d$, $m_2=\wedge$, and $0=m_3=m_4=...$ to obtain an $C_{\infty}$-algebra structure on $H^*(M)$. We can get formulas for the structure maps of the transferred structure on $H^*(M)$ by taking sums over trees and putting the chain homotopies in the right internal edges, etc...
The topological information information obtained from this transferred structure is understood: up to homotopy, the transferred structure contains rational homotopy information.
However, my question is the following: What kind of geometric information is contained in the transferred structure (which depends on the metric $g$ and it involves choices) up to isomorphism ?