Let Bang (Ban, geometric) denote the category whose objects are Banach spaces and whose morphisms are the linear maps that have norm $\leq 1$. (We can work over either real or complex scalars.) Let Set be the category whose objects are sets and whose morphisms are functions.$\newcommand{\Ball}{{\sf ball}}$
There is a functor $\Ball$ from Bang to Set which assigns to each Banach space its closed unit ball; the condition on the morphisms of Bang ensures that each $f:X\to Y$ in Bang restricts to a function $\Ball(X) \to \Ball(Y)$.
What would a left adjoint to $\Ball$ look like? We can use the description/characterization in terms of initial objects in comma categories. So for each set $S$ we want a Banach space $F(S)$ and a function $\eta_S: S \to\Ball(F(S))$ with the following universal property: whenever $E$ is a Banach space and $h:S\to \Ball(E)$ is a function, there is a unique Bang-morphism $T: F(S)\to \Ball(E)$ such that $\Ball(T)\circ\eta_S=f$ as functions.
Unravelling the definitions of the various morphisms: what we require is that for any function $h$ from $S$ to $E$ satisfying $\Vert h(j)\Vert \leq 1$ for all $j\in S$, there should be a unique linear map $T: F(S) \to E$ such that $\Vert T(v)\Vert \leq \Vert v\Vert$ for all $v\in F(S)$ and $T(\eta_S(j))=h(j)$ for all $j\in S$.
Having tried to motivate things, let's make the Ansatz. Define $F(S)$ to be the Banach space $\ell_1(S)$ with its usual norm $\Vert\quad\Vert_1$; let $(e_j)_{j\in S}$ denote the canonical basis bectors in $\ell_1(S)$. The only possible candidate for the linear map $T:\ell_1(S) \to E$ is: define $T(e_j):= h(j)$ for each $j$, and extend by linearity and continuity. To see that this works, observe that for any $v=\sum_{j\in S} \lambda_j e_j \in \ell_1(S)$ we have
\Vert \sum_{j\in S} \lambda_j h(j) \Vert \leq \sum_{j\in S} \vert \lambda_j \vert \Vert h(j)\Vert \leq
\sum_{j\in S} \vert \lambda_j \vert \sup_{j\in S} \Vert h(j)\Vert \leq \Vert v \vert_1
Summing up: essentially what the argument above says is that a bounded linear map from $\ell_1(S)$ to a Banach space $E$ defines a bounded function $S\to E$, and that conversely every bounded function $S\to E$ has a unique bounded-linear extension $\ell_1(S)\to E$. (Note that this paragraph, which is stated in analyst language rather than categorist language,is a little more general because I'm not requiring everything to have norm $\leq 1$; but restricting to Bang seems essential if one wants to get a nice statement of this analysis-fact in the language of adjunctions.)
Actually we can go further and say that the adjunction isomorphism $Set(S, \Ball(E)) \cong {\rm Bang}(\ell_1(S),E)$, which a priori is just a naturally-behaving bijection of sets, can be enriched to an isomorphism in Bang: $\ell_\infty(S;E) \cong {\mathcal B}(\ell_1(S),E)$.