I am doing some research on the quaternions and their role in Non-commutative cryptography. I have found a number of articles, but it is still unclear to me if there is a known solution to the Conjugacy Search Problem (CSP) or Conjugacy Decision Problem (CDP) in integer quaternion rings:
CSP: Determine whether there exists a $z$ such that $zy=xz$ for a given $(x, y) \in R$
CDP: Find a $z \in R$ such that $zy=xz$ for a given $(x, y) \in R$
Here $R$ is either the ring of Lipschitz quaternions ($\{ai+bj+ck+d\mid a,b,c,d\in\mathbb{Z}\}$) or the Hurwitz quaternions (which is the union of the Lipschitz quaternions with a second copy of the lattice shifted by $(\frac12, \frac12, \frac12, \frac12)$; i.e., where all coordinates are either integers or integers $+\frac12$).
This paper is a PKC scheme based on the Conjugacy search problem and decision problem
Valluri and Narayan - Quaternion public-key cryptosystems
However, I am inclined to assume that the CSP has not been solved for the quaternions, based on the above. Does an algorithm for solving the CSP for quaternions exist?