I notice a way of solving equations that goes roughly like this:
- Want to solve $Tu=v$, i.e. hoping to find "$T^{-1}(v)$".
- $T^{-1}$ might not exist "on the nose", so instead we consider $\int_0^\infty e^{-tT}(v) \,dt$, which is a heuristic/informal/non-rigorous version of $T^{-1}$.
- Understand $\int_0^\infty e^{-tT} \,dt$ as an operator, and say something about the equation.
A typical example is when $T$ is the Laplacian, its inverse is the Green function, and the exponentiated one is the heat kernel.
My questions are:
- In general, how to make this method rigorous?
- Are there examples other than heat kernel?
Thank you!