Let $G = (V, E)$ be an undirected finite connected graph. Let $u$ be a specified vertex of $G$. Then the sum of distances $$ \sum_{v \in V} d_G(u,v) $$ is defined. Now we want to decrease this value, by defining "main roads" in the graph.
We require that
- these "main roads" must constitute a subtree $T$ of $G$.(note)
- $u\in V(T)$
- $s:=\lvert V(T)\rvert < \lvert V\rvert$
The idea is that traversing edges of $T$ is cost-free, and that therefore the size of the sum of distances drops to the sum of distances from vertices outside $T$ to the nearest vertex of $T$.
Formally, the aim is to minimize (or course, $d_G(U,v):=\min\{d_G(u,v)\colon u\in U\}$) $$ D=\sum_{v \in V\setminus U} d_G(U,v) $$ over all $U\subseteq V$ with
(bc.1) $\qquad\lvert U\rvert=s<\lvert V\rvert$,
(bc.2) $\qquad G[U]:=(U,\{e\in E\colon e\subset U\})$ is connected.
My question. Was this problem studied before? Is there any result of an algorithm to calculate or estimate the minimum of $D$ with tolerable errors?
A counterexample for Manfred's algorithm, in which $u$ is $A$ and $s=4$.
(note) Not spanning tree though, because of condition 3. (Also compare the condition $n<\lvert V\rvert$ in the original version of thie post; there, $n$ unambiguously meant the number of vertices of the tree, so, curiously, the 'main-road-subtree' is required not to be a spanning tree.)