One can find in the literature two notions of $C^*$-algebra over a topological space $X$.
The first is as the data of an open surjection $ \pi: B \rightarrow X$ together with the structure of a $C^*$-algebra on each fiber $B_x = \pi^{-1} \{ x \}$ such that:
all the algebraic operations are continuous on the fiber products over $X$.
The norm functions $b \mapsto \Vert b \Vert_{B_x}$ on $B$ is upper semicontinuous.
There is one last condition that roughly says that the topology of $B$ is determined by the topology of $X$ and the norm functions.
One can eventually add additional condition: like that the norm function is continuous, or that there is enough of continuous local sections/global sections of the map $B \rightarrow X$.
One can also find an apparently completely different notion in the litterature:
A bundle of $C^*$-algebras over $X$ is the data of a $C^*$-algebra $A$ together with a continuous map $Prim(A) \rightarrow X$ where $Prim(A)$ is the space of primitive ideal of $A$ with the Jacobson topology.
When $X$ is nice (like locally compact Hausdorff , but completely regular and paracompact should be enough) it is well known that these definitions are equivalent (it follow from the Dauns-hoffmann theorem).
But what happen when $X$ is more general ?
I roughly see that it should works (one should not expect the two notions to be equivalent, but there is way to go from one to the other eventually under some assumptions and this should give a close relationship between the two notions. For example the second notion can only corresponds to bundle where there is enough global sections...) but I haven't look at the details yet.
I wanted to know first if there is some literature about this question ?
(If there is then I don't need to figure it out myself, and if there is none maybe I should figure it out and write something by myself)