The semi-linear case $\partial_tu+Lu=f(u,\nabla u)$, where $L$ is an elliptic linear operator (like the Laplacian $-\Delta$), has a rather simple philosophy. One follows the guidelines of the Cauchy-Lipschitz theory for ODEs. If $a\in X$ is the initial data, one rewrites the Cauchy problem as an integral equation
$$u(t)=e^{-tL}a+\int_0^t e^{(s-t)L}f(u(s),\nabla u(s))ds=:Nu(t).$$
When $T>0$ is small enough and the Banach space $X$ is appropriate, one proves that $N$ is a contraction in some ball $B(a;r)$ of $C(0,T;X)$. Then Picard's theorem tells that there is a unique fixed point $u$ ; this is the local solution.
By appropriate, I mean that the operators $S_t:=e^{-tL}$ form a strongly continuous semi-group over $X$. In particular $S_t\in{\mathcal L}(X)$ and $$\|S_t\|_{{\mathcal L}(X)}\le Ce^{\omega t},\qquad\forall t>0$$
for suitable constants $C$ and $\omega$. In practice, we may deal with a scale of Banach spaces $X_s$, like the Sobolev spaces $H^s$, and we have
$$\|S_t\|_{{\mathcal L}(X_s,X_r)}\le Ct^{\alpha(s-r)}e^{\omega t},\qquad\forall t>0$$
for some $\alpha>0$, which is related to the order of $L$.