I have a smattering of knowledge and disconnected facts about this question, so I would like to clarify the following discussion, and I also seek references and citations supporting this knowledge. Please see my specific questions at the end, after "discussion".
Discussion and Background
In practice, groups that do not have any faithful linear representation seem to be seldom (in the sense that I believe it was not till the late 1930s that anyone found any).
By Ado's theorem, every abstract finite dimensional Lie algebra over $\mathbb{R}, \mathbb{C}$ is the Lie algebra of some matrix Lie group. All Lie groups with a given Lie algebra are covers of one another, so even groups that are not subsets of $GL\left(V\right)$ ($V = \mathbb{R}, \mathbb{C}$) are covers of matrix groups.
I know that the metaplectic groups (double covers of the symplectic groups $Sp_{2 n}$) are not matrix groups. And I daresay it is known (although I don't know) exactly which covers of semisimple groups have faithful linear representations, thanks to the Cartan classification of all semisimple groups. But is there a know general reason (i.e. theorem showing) why particular groups lack linear representations? I believe a group must be noncompact to lack linear representations, because the connected components of all compact ones are the exponentials of the Lie algebra (actually if someone could point me to a reference to a proof of this fact, if indeed I have gotten my facts straight, I would appreciate that too). But conversely, do noncompact groups always have covers which lack faithful linear representations? Therefore, here are my specific questions:
Specific Questions
Firm answers with citations to any of the following would be highly helpful:
1) Is there a general theorem telling one exactly when a finite dimensional Lie group lacks a faithful linear representation;
2) Alternatively, which of the (Cartan-calssified) semisimple Lie groups have covers lacking faithful linear representations;
3) Who first exhibited a Lie group without a faithful representation and when;
4) Is compactness a key factor here? Am I correct that a complex group is always the exponetial of its Lie algebra (please give a citation for this). Does a noncompact group always have a cover lacking a faithful linear representation?
Many thanks in advance.