For any positive integer $n$, we define $$\sigma(n) := \sum_{d \mid n} d,$$ and $$\delta(n) := \frac{\sigma(n)}{n} = \sum_{d \mid n} \frac{1}{d}.$$ Is there an (efficient) way to determine $\delta^{-1}$? In particular,
If $q \in \mathbb{Q}$ is given, can we determine whether $q \in \operatorname{im}(\delta)$?
And more precisely,
If $q \in \mathbb{Q}$ is given, can we find all positive integers $n$ such that $\delta(n) = q$? Is the set $\{ n \in \mathbb{N} \mid \delta(n) = q \}$ bounded? Can we at least find interesting restrictions on the possible values for $n$ with $\delta(n)=q$?
Of course, one obvious restriction is the fact that if $q = a/b$ with $\gcd(a,b)=1$, then any $n$ with $\delta(n)=q$ has to be a multiple of $b$.