How many operations are there on subsets of a set that are compatible with images of maps? Of course, we can take unions, but are these all? Spoiler: No.
To formalize this, let $P : \mathbf{Set} \to \mathbf{Set}$ be the covariant power set functor. Let $n \in \mathbb{N}$. How many natural transformations $$P^n \to P$$ are there? Such a transformation $\alpha$ consists of an $n$-ary operation on the subsets of any set $X$, $$\alpha_X : P(X)^n \to P(X),$$ such that for all maps $f : X \to Y$ we have $$f(\alpha_X(U_1,\dotsc,U_n)) = \alpha_Y(f(U_1),\dotsc,f(U_n))$$ as subsets of $Y$. Let us call $\alpha$ just a subset operation.
For example, for every subset $T \subseteq \{1,\dotsc,n\}$ we have the $n$-ary subset operation $$(U_1,\dotsc,U_n) \mapsto \bigcup_{i \in T} U_i,$$ and one might think first that these are all.
The case $n = 0$ is easy, we have a natural subset $U_X \subseteq X$ for every set $X$ such that $f(U_X) = U_Y$ for all $f : X \to Y$. Taking $X = \emptyset$, we must have $U_X = \emptyset$, and then $U_Y = \emptyset$, for all $Y$. So this is the only solution.
The case $n = 1$ is also a good exercise. Let $\alpha : P \to P$ be a unary subset operation. Applying naturality to $i : U \hookrightarrow X$ shows $\alpha_X(U) = \alpha_U(U)$, in particular $\alpha_X(U) \subseteq U$. In particular, $\alpha_X(\emptyset) = \emptyset$. Let $\star$ be the singleton set. Then $\alpha_\star(\star)$ is either $\emptyset$ or $\star$. If it is $\emptyset$, then $\alpha_X(U) = \emptyset$ for all $U \subseteq X$: If $U = \emptyset$, this is already known. If $U \neq \emptyset$, then for the unique map $f : X \to \star$ we have $f(\alpha_X(U)) = \alpha_\star(f(U)) = \alpha_\star(\star) = \emptyset$ and hence $\alpha_X(U) = \emptyset$. Now assume $\alpha_\star(\star) = \star$. Then for $X \neq \emptyset$ we have $\alpha_X(X) \neq \emptyset$, since the unique map $f : X \to \star$ maps this to $\alpha_\star(\star) \neq \emptyset$. For all bijective maps $f : X \to X$ we have $f(\alpha_X(X)) = \alpha_X(f(X)) = \alpha_X(X)$. The only non-empty subset of $X$ that is invariant under all permutations is $X$ itself. Hence, $\alpha_X(X) = X$, and then $\alpha_X(U) = \alpha_U(U) = U$.
So there are only the two obvious unary subset operations, $\alpha(U) = \emptyset$ and $\alpha(U) = U$.
For $n = 2$ we have at least the following four subset operations: a pair of subsets $(U,V)$ is mapped to one of these: $$\emptyset, ~ U, ~ V, ~ U \cup V$$ However, there is a fifth subset operation! It is defined by $$U \cup_s V := \begin{cases} U \cup V & U \neq \emptyset \text{ and } V \neq \emptyset \\ \emptyset & U = \emptyset \text{ or } V = \emptyset \end{cases}$$ An elementary calculation shows that, indeed, $$f(U \cup_s V) = f(U) \cup_s f(V).$$ The crucial property of the image is here that $f(U) = \emptyset \iff U = \emptyset$. Notice that $\cup_s$ is associative, commutative, but it lacks a neutral element. I call $\cup_s$ the "stubborn union". It refuses to take the union when one of the sets is empty. Let me know if this already has a name.
I did not expect any other subset operation apart from the unions! But that's life, I guess (it would be better with pointed sets). Of course, you can combine this idea with the unions to generate many more subset operations for $n > 2$. For example, $(U,V,W) \mapsto U \cup ( V \cup_s W)$ is a subset operation for $n = 3$.
The exact number seems to be connected with partitions and be something like $$\sum_{k \leq n} \binom{n}{k} B_k = B_{n+1},$$ where $B_n$ is the Bell number, but I am not sure. Apparently for the the counting we also need to understand the compatibility conditions between $\cup_s$ and $\cup$ (if there are any), that is, the operad structure on $\hom(P^\bullet,P)$.
For this question, let me only focus on $n = 2$ though.
Question. Are the five operations described above the only binary subset operations?
Here is what I have tried. Let $\alpha : P^2 \to P$ be a binary subset operation. We have $\alpha(U,V) \subseteq U \cup V$. We can define three unary subset operations from it, by mapping $U$ either to $\alpha(U,\emptyset)$, $\alpha(\emptyset,U)$, or $\alpha(U,U)$. Now use the already known classification of unary subset operations. Let's look for example at the case that $\alpha(U,\emptyset) = \emptyset$ and $\alpha(\emptyset,U) = U$ hold, for all $U \subseteq X$. Now the case $\alpha(U,U) = \emptyset$ is easy to deal with, you can quite easily deduce $\alpha(U,V) = \emptyset$ by using the unique map $X \to \star$. The harder case is $\alpha(U,U) = U$ for all $U$. How can I then verify that $\alpha(U,V) = U \cup_s V$? Or is there even another operation that I missed? It suffices to consider subsets of $\{0,1\}$ (apply naturality to maps $X \to \{0,1\}$). So we only need to calculate $\alpha(\{0\},\{0,1\}$) and $\alpha(\{0\},\{1\})$, but how is that possible?
And this is only one of the cases! I also don't know how to proceed with the case $\alpha(U,\emptyset) = U$, $\alpha(\emptyset,U)=U$. Of course we would be done if $\alpha$ was monotonic in both of its arguments, but there is no a priori reason for this!
It is worthwile mentioning that the contravariant version is much easier to handle, since the contravariant power set functor is a representable functor, so that Yoneda kicks in. Our functor $P$ however is very far from being representable. This makes the question so interesting.