For sets $x, y$ we write $x\leq y$, if there is an injection $\iota: x \to y$, and we write $x \leq^* y$ if either $x = \emptyset$ or there is a surjection $s: y \to x$. In ${\sf (ZF)}$ we have that $x \leq y$ implies $y \leq^* y$.
Consider the following statements:
Partition principle (PP): For all sets $x, y$ we have that $x \leq^* y$ implies $x\leq y$.
Dual Cantor-Bernstein (CB)*: For all sets $x,y$, if $x\leq^* y$ and $y \leq^* x$, then there is a bijection $\varphi: x\to y$.
Via the "normal" Cantor-Bernstein theorem, which a theorem of ${\sf (ZF)}$, we can show that (PP) imples (CB)* in ${\sf (ZF)}$.
It seems to be open whether (CB)* implies the Axiom of Dependent Choice (DC). Since (PP) is stronger than (CB)*, this begs the question:
Does (PP) imply (DC) in ${\sf (ZF)}$?