
Let $B$ be a standard Brownian motion. Its characteristic exponent (or Fourier transform) is easily calculated to be $$ \mathbb E [e^{ixB_t}] = e^{-\frac 12 x^2 t}. $$ Now I want to apply a Girsanov transformation with density $\exp(\int_0^t A_s d B_s - \int_0^t A_s^2 ds)$ for some predictable process $A_s$ satisfying Novikov's condition. It is well-known that $B_t-\int_0^t A_sds$ is Brownian motion under the new measure. However, I am more interested in the question what the characteristic exponent of the old Brownian motion under the new measure is. Is there an explicit way to calculate this? Same question, but differently phrased: Is there an elegant way to calculate $$ \mathbb E [ e^{\int_0^t A_s dB_s} e^{ixB_t}]? $$


1 Answer 1


By Doob-Dynkin we have that $A_t=f(t,\{B_s\}_{0\leq s\leq t})$.

If $\mu_0$ is the law of Brownian motion then under the measure $\mu=\exp\left(\int_0^T A_sdB_s-1/2\int_0^T A_s^2 ds\right)\mu_0$ we have that the law of $B$ is the law of the solution to the (possibly path dependent) SDE $dX_t=f(t, \{X_s\}_{0\leq s\leq t}))dt+dB_t$. So computing the characteristic function is the same as finding the law of $X$.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for the answer, rephrasing as an SDE might help my application in the end. One small additional question: is there a way to guarantee that the characteristic function obtained this way is real-valued (if I assume $X_0=0$)? This would be most important for the application I have in mind. $\endgroup$
    – Benjamin
    Commented Jul 20, 2023 at 5:25
  • $\begingroup$ And one easier question: Do you have a reference for such a statement? It does not seem completely obvious to me, why I can replace $B$ by $X$ in the argument of $f$ for the SDE. $\endgroup$
    – Benjamin
    Commented Jul 20, 2023 at 9:29
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Under $\mu$ we have that $B_t=\int_0^t f(s, \{B_s'\}_{0\leq s'\leq s}) ds+\tilde B_t$ where $\tilde B_t$ is a BM under $\mu$. I just relabel the variable $B$ as $X$. I am not sure about the characteristic function being real valued. I $\endgroup$
    – user479223
    Commented Jul 20, 2023 at 11:47

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