In an attempt to solve an unrelated problem, I was led to the task of estimating/bounding from above sums of the form $$\sum_{m=1}^\infty\lambda(m)e\left(-\frac{am}{q}\right)h(m)$$ where $\sum_{m=1}^\infty\lambda(m)e(mz)$ is the Fourier expansion of a cusp form of weight $1$ and a certain level $N$, with respect to some Dirichlet character $\chi$, and $h$ is some smooth compactly supported function. Note that the modulus of $\chi$ is NOT (necessarily) $q$; I need to work with the above display for a general positive integer $q$.
Now, my knowledge of all things modular is rather limited, but my understanding is that sums like the above are best handled via some variation of Voronoï summation. However, I have not been able to find a specific formulation of Voronoï summation in the literature that suits my situation. For example, in, Theorem 4.12 only deals with cusp forms with respect to the full modular group (or at least this is my understanding - I do not master the language used at the beginning of Section 4). In Iwaniec and Kowalski's Analytic Number Theory, Exercise 9 in Chapter 4 deals with the case of modular forms twisted by characters, but still, as far as I understand, only with respect to the full modular group (e.g. level $1$) and when the modulus of $\chi$ divides $q$.
It is possible that, for experts, it is clear how to handle the sum I presented via one of these two versions, but I do not see how to do it and I would appreciate any suggestion on general principles regarding approaches to this sum.