I am going to annoy all the people who answered above, but I am pretty sure the answer to Dror's question is basically no. In particular, is it known that there are infinitely many cubic fields of prime discriminant? I have not heard of such a result -- if one is out there then I would be extremely grateful if someone would share the appropriate references with me.
As is pointed out above, there is a classical correspondence between such fields and subgroups of $Cl(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{p}))$ of index 3. However, I'm not aware that this makes the question easier to answer.
There is also the work of Bhargava and Ghate, Delone-Faddeev, Davenport-Heilbronn, etc. which says that cubic (and quartic and quintic) fields are parameterized by integral orbits on nice prehomogeneous vector spaces which meet certain local conditions. For example, in the cubic case, cubic rings are parameterized by integral binary cubic forms up to $GL_2(\mathbb{Z})$ equivalence, and maximal cubic orders are those cubic rings which meet a certain local condition at each prime.
This allows you to prove formulas for the number of cubic fields with $Disc(K) < X$ with good error terms, and this works if you ask for the condition $d | Disc(K)$. This allows you to run a sieve.
However sieves are notoriously bad at finding primes! The information above is also essentially available in the twin prime problem, but all we can prove there is that there are infinitely many primes $p$ so that $p + 2$ has at most two prime factors.
You can use this argument to find cubic fields with three (I think) prime factors -- there is a paper of Belabas and Fouvry that does this. Maybe you could push their arguments a little bit better. But one cannot hope to find primes this way.
Of course there are excellent computational results, and I don't want to take anything away from these. But I feel like the question is asking if there are infinite families, and I'm pretty sure this is widely expected but not at all known.