Let $X$ be an abelian variety defined over a number field $K$. We know that the Neron--Tate height machine associates to a class in the Picard group of $X$ a unique quadratic function which is zero at the identity of $X$. And it is known that modulo torsion this association homomorphism is injective. Consider the homomorphism $$ h:\text{Pic}(X_{\bar K})\otimes_\mathbb{Z}\mathbb{R}\rightarrow \{ \text{quadratic real functions on }X(\bar K)\text{ which vanish at the identity} \}. $$My question is, is this homomorphism surjective (and an isomorphism?)?
I'm asking this out of curiosity mainly. I don't know if this is well-known to the experts (or just another silly question of mine). Thank you in advance!