I have a task:
Lat's take independent variables $X_{i}$ with Poisson distribution $Poiss(a)$. Distribution of $a$ has density $p(a)=\frac{8}{3}a^3e^{-2a}, a\ge0$. Calculate: $E(a|X_1=3, X_2=2, X_3=5, X_4=5, X_5=1, X_6=4)$.
I tried to calculate this in this way: $E(a|X_1=3, X_2=2, X_3=5, X_4=5, X_5=1, X_6=4)=\int{af(a|X_1=3, X_2=2, X_3=5, X_4=5, X_5=1, X_6=4)da}= \int{a \frac{f(X_1=3, X_2=2, X_3=5, X_4=5, X_5=1, X_6=4|a) \cdot f(a)}{P(X_1=3, X_2=2, X_3=5, X_4=5, X_5=1, X_6=4)}}da$, but i do not know how to calculate $P(X_1=3, X_2=2, X_3=5, X_4=5, X_5=1, X_6=4)$. Could you help me in this way or show other solution?
Thanks in advance.