Consider the PDE $$\Delta f + \lambda f = g$$
on $S^2$, where $\Delta$ is with respect to the round metric, $g \in L^2(S^2)$ and $\lambda>0$. I wish to study the existence and uniqueness of this PDE for different values of $\lambda$.
It is known that if $\lambda = 0$, then we have existence if and only if $\int_{S^2} g = 0$, and we have uniqueness up to constants. Also, we have existence and uniqueness in the case $\lambda<0$.
It is also known that $\Delta$ has nonpositive eigenvalues of the form $-l(l+1)$ for nonnegative integers $l$ with the eigenfunctions being the spherical harmonics.
If $\lambda>0$ and $\lambda \neq l(l+1)$ for any positive integer $l$, do we get existence and uniqueness? Say if I choose $\lambda = 1$, do we get existence and uniqueness?
Any reference is appreciated.