I'm posting this here instead of Physics Stack as my question is on the precise mathematical meaning of a word which is often used in the physics literature.
In theoretical physics (especially string theory), authors often refer to ''lifting'' and I am not certain what the authors mean mathematically, although I am aware it could depend on the context. They often talk of having a special solution (in 7 dimensions, say) and then ''lifting it up'' to a higher number of dimensions. It seems what is meant here is that one embeds a theory in the ''higher dimensional version'' of that theory after truncating certain degrees of freedom as necessary.
Does this word actually have a specific, precise mathematical meaning and does it always need to be used in the context of string theory (ie. string compactifications), or is it just a jargon way of saying that one ''goes from one thing to another in a way which makes sense''?
In one of the appendices of this preprint, for example, the authors talk about ''lifting'' a topological spin QFT to a topological non-spin QFT in a way which implies they just mean ''start with spin and turn it into non-spin'' with no particular formal meaning.