When listening to the beautiful lectures by Gilles Schaeffer at the SLC68, the following (perhaps crazy) question occurred to me: did anyone attempt (succeed?) to combinatorially prove modularity of elliptic curves using dessins d'enfant?
Of course I am not talking about a combinatorial proof of the general result due to Wiles, Taylor, Breuil, Conrad and Diamond. If such a thing existed, everyone and their dog would have heard about it. I am interested in learning about combinatorial proofs, if any, even for very modest examples. As I do not know anything about the subject, references to the relevant literature would be appreciated.
This question can be broken down into the following three:
Can one tell `by looking at a dessin' if the corresponding curve is defined over $\mathbb{Q}$? If this is too hard, can one construct an explicit familycollection of dessins which catches all elliptic curves defined over $\mathbb{Q}$?
Does one know explicit dessins for all modular curves?
Let $X\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^1$ and $Y\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^1$ be two coverings given by dessins. Is there some sufficient criteria for the existence of a cover $X\rightarrow Y$?
Crazy addendum to a crazy question:
Can one `count' $H_{X,Y}$ the number of covers in question 3)? Again, I am talking about examples.