What's a quick way to prove the following fact about adjugatesminors of an invertible matrix $A$ and its inverse?
Let $A[I,J]$ denote the submatrix of an $n \times n$ matrix $A$ obtained by keeping only the rows indexed by $I$ and columns indexed by $J$. Then
$$ |\det A[I,J]| = | (\det A)^{-1} \det A^{-1}[I^c,J^c]|,$$$$ |\det A[I,J]| = | (\det A) \det A^{-1}[J^c,I^c]|,$$ where $I^c$ stands for $[n] \setminus I$, for $|I| = |J|$. It is trivial when $|I| = |J| = 1$ or $n-1$. This is apparently proved by Jacobi, but I couldn't find a proof anywhere in books or online. Horn and Johnson listed this as one of the advanced formulas in their preliminary chapter, but didn't give a proof. In general what's a reliable source to find proofs of all these little facts? I ran into this question while reading Macdonald's book on symmetric functions and Hall polynomials, in particular page 22 where he is explaining the determinantal relation between the elementary symmetric functions $e_\lambda$ and the complete symmetric functions $h_\lambda$.
I also spent 3 hours trying to crack this nut, but can only show it for diagonal matrices :(
Edit: It looks like Ferrar's book on Algebra subtitled determinant, matrices and algebraic forms, might carry a proof of this in chapter 5. Though the book seems to have a sexist bias.