Are the following definitions known?
Consider H a Hilbert space. A "quantum topology" on H is a set Sigma of closed subspaces satisfying the following conditions:
(a) {0} and H lie in Sigma
(b) If {V_alpha} is a subset of Sigma then the closure of the sum of the V_alpha lies in Sigma
(c) If V, W lie in Sigma then their intersection lies in Sigma
Given a quantum topology, we introduce the notion of s a "quantum sheaf of operators"
s corresponds to every V in Sigma s(V), a C*-algebra of bounded operators on V. We demand the following conditions on s:
(i) If W lies in V, A lies in s(V) and leaves W invariant, then the restriction of A to W lies in s(W)
(ii) Suppose {W_alpha} is a subset of Sigma and V is the closure of their sum. Suppose A is a bounded operator on V which leaves every W_alpha invariant. Suppose further that the restriction of A to W_alpha lies in s(W_alpha) for every alpha. Then A lies in s(V)
(iii) Suppose {W_alpha} is a subset of Sigma and V is the closure of their sum. Consider C the subalgerbasubalgebra of s(V) consisting of operators of the form defined by condition (ii). Then the commutant of C lies within C.