Fix integer $n\ge 1$, and let $E=\{e_1,...,e_n\}$ denote the standard basis of the vector space ${\mathbb F}_2^n$. Thus, for a set $A\subset{\mathbb F}_2^n$, the sumset $A+E:=\{a+e\colon a\in A,\ e\in E\}$ consists of all those elements of ${\mathbb F}_2^n$ which are at Hamming distance $1$ from an element of $A$. Now I wonder,
How small can $|A+E|$ be in terms of $|A|$? How to choose of a set $A$ of prescribed size to minimize the size of $A+E$?
I would expect the answer to be well-known -- any reference?
Somewhat closer to what I actually need is the situation where $A$ consists of even vectors only; that is, of vectors orthogonal to $e_1+\dotsb+e_n$. How to choose $A$ (of prescribed size) under this additional constrain to minimize $|A+E|$?