The question is in the title. Here is a short motivation. The general quadratic Diophantine equation is $$ x^TAx+bx+c=0, $$ where $x$ is a vector of $n$ variables, $A$ is $n \times n$ matrix with integer entries, $b$ vector, $c$ integer. We can try simplify it by linear substitution $x=Hy$, where $y$ are new variables and $H$ is $n\times n$ matrix with integer entries and determinant $\pm 1$. The equation becomes $$ y^T(H^TAH)y + bHy + c = 0. $$ The first entry in matrix $H^TAH$ is $h^TAh$, where $h$ is the first column of $H$. If there is a non-zero vector $h$ such that $h^TAh=0$, then in the new equation the $y_1^2$ term vanishes, and equation becomes linear in $y_1$. In many cases, this can be used to solve the equation.
The equation $x_1^2+x_2^2=3x_3^2+1$ is the simplest quadratic equation for which this method does not work. Here $h^TAh$$h^TAh=0$ reduces to $h_1^2+h_2^2-3h_3^2=0$, which does not have non-trivial integer solutions. Hence, no linear substitution makes the equation linear in any of the variables. How to solve such equations?
There is a general method outlined by by Grunewald and Segal that should work for all quadratic equations: the idea is that (i) the integral orthogonal group of A is finitely generated, and there is an algorithm for listing the generators, and (ii) there is a finite set of solutions to the equation such that all other solutions can be constructed from this finite set by actions of this integral orthogonal group. However, how to implement this idea for this specific equation? Also, maybe there is an easier method?
I remark that I am looking for more or less explicit description of all integer solutions. The answer "Try $z=0,\pm 1,\pm 2,\dots$ and for each $z$ list all representations of $3z^2+1$ as the sum of squares" does not count.