Question 3: is the image of $f$ diffeomorphic to $S^4$? If so, then it would provide yet another proof of the previous folklore result. A related question is whether or not $V$ is diffeomorphic to $S^4$. Edit: I think I can build a diffeomorphism from $S^4$ onto $V$. Think of $S^4$ as the set $$W = \{ B \,|\, \text{$B$ real symmetric $3$-by-$3$, } \operatorname{tr}(B) = 0 \text{ and } \operatorname{tr}(B^2) = 1 \}.$$ It is not too difficult to see that $W$ is diffeomorphic to $S^4$. Define a map from $W$ into $V$, by $$ B \mapsto \frac{B - \lambda_2(B) I}{\lVert B - \lambda_2(B)I \rVert},$$ where $\lambda_1(B) \leq \lambda_2(B) \leq \lambda_3(B)$ are the $3$ eigenvalues of $B$. I think that this map is perhaps a diffeomorphism from $W$ onto $V$. However, I am not sure about its smoothness when $2$ eigenvalues of $B$ collide. Can someone comment on that please?